前回は、生長の家総本山の“炭素ゼロ”達成をお伝えしたが、生長の家の温暖化抑制努力は海外でも展開されている。米カリフォルニア州ガーデナ市にあるアメリカ合衆国伝道本部は、昨年10月から太陽光発電装置の設置を検討してきたが、今年6月末には、同 市による設置審査が行われ、南カリフォルニア・エディソン社によるソーラパネルの設置も終り、あとは発電メーターの取り付けを待つばかりとなった。勅使川原淑子・アメリカ教化総長が同伝道本部の屋根に設置されたシステムの写真を送ってくださったが、発電容量や、同伝道本部の電気使用量との比較などの細かい数字は分からない。設置費用は約8万ドル(770万円)で、これによって同伝道本部の事務局サイドの電気使用量(月約2千kWh)をほぼまかなうことができるそうだ。
カリフォルニア州は“日照州”(sunshine State)という異名もあるくらいだから、日照時間も長く、よく乾燥するので野火や山火事が多いのが心配なほどだ。この太陽光発電導入をきっかけにして、「自然と共に伸びる」という言葉の通りにアメリカでの運動が飛躍的に発展することを期待したい。今回の装置導入を決定した同国の幹部・信徒の方々の熱意と、“炭素ゼロ”運動へのご協力に心から感謝申し上げます。
谷口 雅宣
| 固定リンク
Dear Rev. Masanobu Taniguchi,
I was very surprised and happy to read about our solar panel project on your blog. Thank you very much! We are very excited to know that the system will be soon up and running. We anticipate that all of our electricity usage for the U.S. Missionary Headquarters building will be supplied by solar energy. Thank you very much for the words of encouragement. It is with great joy and gratitude that we move forward growing with nature.
With gassho,
Akemi Ueda
SNI, Inc.
投稿: Akemi Ueda | 2009年7月 8日 09:31
Chairman Ueda,
Thanks for commenting on my blog! It is amazing that your solar power system can supply "all of the electricity usage for the U.S. Missionary Headquarters building." Do you use batteries to store the daytime-generated elctricity to be used at night?
投稿: 谷口 | 2009年7月 8日 12:00
投稿: 山岡 睦治 | 2009年7月 9日 10:38
Dear Rev. Masanobu Taniguchi,
I confirmed with the installation company who put in our system regarding the usage of batteries. Our system does not use batteries.
Evidently the following happens: Every month we will still get a bill or statement from Southern California Edison (SCE). SCE is the electricity company which serves the Southern California region. The meter on our panel monitors the kilowatt hours that pass back and forth through our meter. Every month a meter reader comes out and reads the number on the meter and notes the difference between the last read and the new read. The difference between the 2 reads indicate how much power we have used or generated. For instance, let’s say a meter reader comes on June 20 and reads the meter at 1,000 kilowatt hours. The next month when he comes to read the meter again on July 20 he then reads 1,200 kilowatt hours. This would mean that we used 200 kilowatt hours (1,200-1000) generated by Southern California Edison. If the meter were to read 800 kilowatt hours on July 20, this would then indicate that we overproduced 200 kilowatt hours and Southern California Edison would then keep track of the overproduced electricity and keep it on our account as credit. This energy credit will carry forward on our account and will be applied to months where we use more kilowatt hours that we produce. They will not allow us to carry any energy credits for over a year.
It works similarly to a revolving credit account. If you overpay your credit card bill by $100 one month, you will then have a $100 credit to your next month’s statement. If you do not charge anything on it, than that credit will carry forward until you use it. The only difference is that SCE only gives you 1 year to use the credit.
I hope this helps to clarify SCE’s system.
Thank you very much with gassho,
Akemi Ueda
SNI, Inc.
投稿: Akemi Ueda | 2009年7月 9日 13:53
Chairman Ueda,
Thanks for your explanation on the solar power sytem. I understand how it works, for we have a similar system in Japan. The problem, however, is that in our similar system we seldom can produce the amount of electricity enough to cover the entire need for a hosehold. I guess the amount of sunbeam over California enables it.
- MT
投稿: 谷口 | 2009年7月 9日 20:45
総裁・谷口 雅宣 先生
12.9 キロワット・システム
3 PV パワー、4800インバーター
・ 設置業者の説明
用量を上回る月もあれば逆の場合もある。使用量が発電量を上回る月はSouthern California Edison から電力を買うことになる。しかし、SCEは発電量が使用量を上回る月の余剰生産電力を貯金させてくれるので、この増減は年間を通せば差し引き零になるはずだ。
7月7日(LA時間)Southern California Edisonから稼動了解の返事がありました。稼
勅使川原 淑子 拝
投稿: 勅使川原 淑子 | 2009年7月 9日 23:59